The delicate skin around the eyes loses elasticity and its youthful appearance over time, which may be due to constant exposure to harmful sun rays, as part of the natural aging process, and can also be hereditary. Your vision might be affected by hooded eyes—where the eyelid skin droops over the eyes. This can be corrected with upper eyelid blepharoplasty.
As one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures for men, upper eyelid surgery, also known as upper blepharoplasty, is suitable for men with aging, wrinkled, sagging, or drooping upper eyelids. The procedure is simple and straightforward and can usually be performed under local anesthesia.
Benefits of upper eyelid surgery for men:
- Provides a natural, more youthful appearance.
- Corrects tired-looking eyes.
- Repositions excess fatty tissue.
- Removes excess sagging skin.
- Offers balance when combined with lower eyelid blepharoplasty.